Wed 3 Dec 2008
Sending Email and Avoiding Spam Filters
Posted by jsupport-user1 under How To , PersonalDigg This Entry , [3] Comments
I have a server that I run as a shared hosting server and host many small web sites for various clients. In an effort to provide better service, I have recently moved all of the accounts to private IP addresses so email will send from the account IP address instead of the primary server IP address. This is a cPanel / WHM server setup.
After doing all this I have checked the reputation of the domains and IP addresses using these tools:
It all come back neutral and I still have email sent from this server marked as spam or it lands in junk mail folders. The IP addresses are clean, the domain is clean, both neutral reputations.
What can I do to get email sent from my server to not be labeled as SPAM?
I did some research it turns out that just setting up the server and properly configuring it is not enough these days. You need to apply for certification through a 3rd party white listing company. I found this one:
And I found this regarding hotmail recipients:
I’m guessing that if I start with one provider like hotmail and can get email through to their customers by following their rules then that will also help with other SPAM and junk filters. Now the troublesome part.
They all have different requirements. So that means you need to chase entry into each provider from the top down large providers first then smaller ones e.g. hotmail, comcast, earthlink, AOL to name a few. I think this will give me a good start. It will also continue to develop has I move forward from provider to provider.
~~ Updated Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008
In my research it turns out that “” is more for bulk email providers and not for email servers that are used mostly for one-to-one email. I found these additional resources:
DNS Whitelist –
Email Reach –
Add your IP to DNS Whitelist and then review their “Other Whitelists” page. There are few more lists that may pertain to you.
Now for the golden email deliver ability troubleshooting service, GEDATS ( I made that up), Email Reach.  Email Reach test systems include over 69 different platforms, which run over 10,000 discrete tests on your email. It is a hosted service and has a 24 hour free LIVE, no restrictions trial. It can be used to test your one-to-one email server or email marketing message. A test creates a report containing Reputation, Content Assessment, Inbox Monitor, and White list Audit. Inbox Monitor will tell you if you email is landing in the SPAM folder or Inbox. Content Assessment is great for email marketing as it puts your message through the major SPAM filters and will tell what is being flagged.
I have not affiliation to any of these web sites. I just knew how much a struggled to get good information on my email server and the 24 hour test gave me what I needed.
~~ Updated Thrusday, December 25rd, 2008
Since adding all of the IP addresses on my shared server to the white list, email from this server is now landing in the inbox instead of SPAM for Yahoo and Hotmail. Very cool!
Your blog has some great information for small businesses. Thanks for taking the time to share your knowledge!
Thanks for the info. Yahoo is the only mail provider sending my mail to the Spam folder. I have applied for the Yahoo whitelist, but the issue still persists. Hopefully submitting my domain through DNSWL.ORG will work.
Hi Rick,
Post back and let us know if it made a difference for you. I have found that some filters also see the IP address your send from, e.g. you desktop computers router address. In some cases the reputation of this IP can impact deliver-ability too.